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First W.E.B hybrid project goes into operation

06/2024 - Back to overview

In Grafenschlag, a new solar power plant turns the existing wind farm into a hybrid power plant. The W.E.B team and the municipality of Grafenschlag are proud of an important step for the energy transition, as the 9.24 MWp photovoltaic plant in Grafenschlag in the district of Zwettl was successfully commissioned in June.

First W.E.B hybrid project

The PV plant and the Grafenschlag II wind farm together form WEB Windenergie AG's first hybrid project. The PV project combines renewable energy generation with sustainable agriculture through grazing in an innovative way - more than fifty sheep keep the vegetation under the solar modules short in this Agri-PV system and at the same time ensure biodiversity across the entire area.

Existing grid infrastructure used

The Grafenschlag II wind farm was built in the immediate vicinity of the PV system in 2021, and the PV system now uses the same grid connection. As electricity generation from wind and solar power complement each other perfectly, this makes optimal use of the existing grid infrastructure. "Grafenschlag was one of the first Waldviertel municipalities to use wind power," says Florian Müller, the responsible W.E.B. board member. "With this hybrid power plant, Grafenschlag is once again joining the ranks of the pioneers of the energy transition."

The Agri-PV plant is an outstanding example of W.E.B's forward-looking and environmentally friendly energy generation and will produce around 10,400 MWh of green electricity per year. Arnold Kainz, responsible for project development, is proud: "We are particularly pleased to have successfully implemented such an important project. Over 14,000 solar modules will supply around 3,500 households with green electricity."

Important contribution to the power supply

The new PV system not only makes an important contribution to the local energy supply, but also serves as a model for similar projects in the region. By combining renewable energy production and agricultural use, W.E.B is once again setting an important example for a sustainable future.