Interim report on the first half of 2019
08/2019 - Back to overview
Much wind and sunshine led to increase in sales revenue
W.E.B can look back at the first half of 2019 with satisfaction. The period was characterized by very good wind conditions, moreover there were also enough hours of sunshine. On balance, the gratifying production results had a clearly positive impact on sales revenue development in the first half-year. Sales revenue of the W.E.B Group climbed 30 percent year-on-year to MEUR 55.2. Earnings before tax totaled MEUR 16.7, somewhat more than double the comparable figure in the previous weak wind year.
A further milestone in the history of W.E.B was celebrated in the first half of 2019. The wind farm Foce del Cornia near the city of Piombino, the first W.E.B project in Italy, was completed. Six wind turbines with a total capacity of 19.8 MW was put into operation in the middle of June. Construction work on the repowering project in Wörbzig, Germany was also finalized, so that six turbines were connected to the power grid at the beginning of July. With respect to its activities abroad, the company is energetically pressing ahead with work on the wind farm Albert/Wisokolamson so that it can be put into operation before the end of 2019.