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W.E.B bond 2024 oversubscribed: Issue volume of EUR 50 million fully utilized

09/2024 - Back to overview

Most successful bond issue in the company's history to date | Investor confidence in genuine green investment secures international growth course

WEB Windenergie AG, headquartered in Pfaffenschlag, Lower Austria, can once again celebrate a record result with issuing a bond: With an issue volume of EUR 50 million, the company has once again significantly exceeded all previous capital measures. The demand for the W.E.B Bond 2024 was greater than the supply, leading to the bond being oversubscribed.

Michael Trcka, Board Member Finance: “The success of this bond and the trust associated with it make us grateful and proud. The proceeds from the bond of EUR 50 million now put us in a position to continue investing thoughtfullyand purposefully, thus driving forward the energy transition. We see this as a clear mandate from our investors, that we now will fulfill.”

Stefanie Markut, Board Member Corporate Development, adds: “The impressive success of this year's bond issue confirms that our commitment to the concept of citizen participation, onwhich W.E.B was founded, is more justified than ever. The once again overwhelming interest shown by investors makes it clear that genuine green investments such as our bond not only have a future, but also secure it.”

Like the previous corporate actions, this bond also plays a central role in supporting W.E.B's international growth strategy. The proceeds from the 2024 bond issue will be invested in the development of renewable energy projects and the expansion of the power plant portfolio.

We would like to thank all investors for the trust they have placed in us.


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