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W.E.B Production Results August 2024

09/2024 - Back to overview

Heat waves with weak wind conditions – Monthly production below target
Total monthly power generation in August 2024 equaled 76,163 MWh, which was considerably lower than the targeted level.

The subtropical high-pressure system which brought sunshine and heat to the Mediterranean region in the summer months continued, to a large extent, to impact Central Europe as well. Accordingly, the planned production targets in Austria, Germany, France, Czechia and Italy could not be reached. Strong high-pressure systems also dominated on the East Coast of the USA and Canada, which is why there was these countries also did not perform better than planned.

Austria, Germany and Czechia exceeded the planned production results in the photovoltaic power segment. In contrast, the weather in Italy and the USA was cloudier in August 2024, and thus the defined production targets could not be reached.

The hydroelectric power segment in Austria performed slightly below the targeted level.

Overview based on technology

Wind power

  • Total production: -25.6%
  • Wind power plant with the best relative results: Pottenbrunn II +12.2%
  • Wind power plant with the strongest total production: Albert 897 MWh

Solar power

  • Total production: +7.2%
  • Best relative plant results: Pfaffenschlag III +44:7%

Hydroelectric power

  • Total production: -1:9%

Total monthly production in August
76,163 MWh

This report refers to existing W.E.B facilities.