W.E.B Production Results for February 2024
03/2024 - Back to overview
Windy and very warm – Monthly production above target
Total monthly power generation in February 2024 equaled 169,167 MWh, which was significantly higher than the targeted level.
This past February was unprecedented in terms of the monthly temperature. In the lowlands, the temperature was an incredible 5.5 degrees Celsius above the average in the climate period 1991 to 2020. In fact, it was even warmer than the average temperatures in the month of March.
From a wind perspective, February 2024 was also extremely active. The Atlantic frontal zone frequently reached Central Europe and brought good wood conditions with it. Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Czechia, and Canada all ended up substantially above the designated production targets. Calmer weather only prevailed in the USA, where production results were below target.
Austria and Italy generated positive production results in the photovoltaic power segment. In contrast, the weather in Germany, Czechia, and the USA was cloudier in February 2024, and thus the defined production targets were out of reach.
The hydroelectric power segment in Austria performed significantly better than planned.
Overview based on technology
Wind power
- Total production: +18.1%
- Wind power plant with the best relative results: Michelbach +121.6%
- Wind power plant with the strongest total production: Dürnkrut III 1,949 MWh
Solar power
- Total production: +5.73%
- Best relative plant results: Montenero I +55.0%
Hydroelectric power:
- Total production: +65.2%
This report refers to existing W.E.B facilities.