W.E.B-Production Results July 2014
08/2014 - Back to overview
Production results were quite diverse in July. On the one hand W.E.B power plants in Canada had excellent production results, on the other W.E.B power plants in Europe performed below expectations. Overall, W.E.B power plants produced 38,649 MWh in July. This means that W.E.B almost achieved its ambitious target production results.
The month of July showed how important it is to have power plants on different locations over the world to minimize the unpredictable weather conditions. Fortunately excellent weather conditions in Canada compensated the less favorable weather conditions in Europe.
Overview based on technology:
Wind power:
- Production below target: -14,9%
- Wind park with best relative results: Saint Rose: +57,1%
- Wind power plant with the strongest total production: Little River: 662 MWh
Solar power:
- Solar power production far below target: -15,8%
- Best relative plant results: Pfaffenschlag +22,5%
Hydroelectric power:
- Hydroelectric power production almost target: -1,2%
Production to date:
- W.E.B production results in July: 38.649 MWh*
- Accumulated result in the course of the year: 362.060 MWh*
- Percentage of annual projections: 54,2%*