W.E.B-Production Results May 2014
06/2014 - Back to overview
There has never been a month in spring before, in which W.E.B had a higher energy production than in May 2014. The 197 W.E.B-power plants produced 64,916 MWh of green energy.
Overview based on technology:
Wind power:
- Production far exeeded target: +34.9 %
- Wind park with best relative results: Maustrenk II: +78.4 %
- Wind power plant with the strongest total production: Deutsch Wagram: 1.020 MWh
Solar power:
- Solar power production almost target: -0.2%
- Best relative plant results: Pfaffenschlag +11.0%
Hydroelectric power:
- Hydroelectric power production below target: -9.5%
Production to date:
- W.E.B production results in May: 64.916 MWh*
- Accumulated result in the course of the year: 291.723 MWh*
- Percentage of annual projections: 43.7 %