W.E.B Production Results November 2024
12/2024 - Back to overview
Mix of fog and sunshine with weak winds – Monthly production below target
Total monthly power generation in November 2024 equaled 150,588 MWh, which was lower than the targeted production level.
November was characterized by calm, high-pressure weather spanning across large parts of Europe. A murky, dense foggy grey prevailed, combined with blue skies and bright sunshine, ensuring poor wind conditions. Accordingly, actual production results in Austria, Germany, France, Czechia and Italy in November 2024 were below the planned targets. In contrast, there was greater momentum in the air masses over Canada and the East Coast of the USA, so that production was significantly above target.
Power generation in Austria, Italy, Czechia and the USA in the photovoltaic power segment was below the planned production results. In contrast, the weather in Germany was cloudier, so that the production target could not be reached in November.
The hydroelectric power segment in Austria performed above the targeted level.
Overview based on technology
Wind power
- Total production: -3.2%
- Wind power plant with the best relative results: Martock Ridge +96.5%
- Wind power plant with the strongest total production: Albert 1,765 MWh
Solar power
- Total production: +13.8%
- Best relative plant results: Sauber & Stark +132.4%
Hydroelectric power
- Total production: +2.0%
Production results of W.E.B in November: 150,588 MWh
This report refers to existing W.E.B facilities.