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W.E.B production results December 2021

01/2022 - Back to overview

© Tim L Esperance

The lack of winds in Europe resulted in a rather mediocre annual production

Although the year 2021 remained 0.1 degree below the 30-year average in Austria, it was still 1.1 degrees above the average of the climate period 1961 – 1990 (cf. ZAMG). Last year also clearly demonstrated the consequences of global warming. In Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, more than 200 people died in a terrible flood disaster; hailstones of up to 12 cm (4.7 inches) destroyed entire villages in Austria; an F4 tornado claimed the lives of several people in the Czech Republic; and in western Canada, temperatures went up to almost 50 °C (122 °F).

Needless to say, extreme weather of such an extent also affects global wind conditions. In 2021 extensive high-pressure systems took hold of Europe and kept blocking any low-pressure systems arriving from the Atlantic with such efficiency that the European W.E.B fleet exceeded its production targets only three out of twelve months. Not even our, by now traditionally strong, North American production results were able to make up for this deficit. The generated annual production of 1,237 GWh, corresponding to –8.4% (–114 GWh), ultimately fell considerably short of expectations. In light of the significant impact of the climate crisis on global weather systems and, in consequence, our production results, the rapid transition to wind and photovoltaic power generation will be essential to resolving this problem. Each and every kWh that is not based on fossil fuels helps us to slow down the greenhouse effect. The sooner our society switches to 100% renewable energy production, the better are our chances to still soften the blow of climate change. 

Mild December – monthly production below target

The overall monthly production of 128,931 MWh remained below the defined target in December. 

Last December was already the eleventh in a row above the temperature average of the climate period 1961 – 1990. Especially the last days of the months were far too warm with up to 18 °C (64 °F) in eastern Austria, resulting in one of the mildest New Year’s Eves in 80 years. These weather conditions had a positive effect on Austria’s power production; the Czech Republic just missed its target, and only the large-scale retrofitting of an electric substation prevented Italy from reaching its target. While Germany and France could not keep up with expectations, our reliable power plants in Canada and the United States were as successful as always. Cloudy weather conditions prevented a plus in production in all W.E.B countries (Austria, Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic) in the photovoltaic power segment. Additional reinforcements arrived from Massachusetts in mid-December, when W.E.B put its first two PV plants in the United States into operation. PV Brimfield and PV Brookfield expand the W.E.B portfolio by a total of 7.5 MWp. In the hydroelectric power segment, Austria and Germany remained below target.

Overview based on technology: 

Wind power: 

  • Total production: –9.4% 
  • Wind power plant with best relative results: Höflein West +27.5%
  • Wind power plant with the strongest total production: Albert 1,464 MWh 

Solar power: 

  • Total production: –29.1% 
  • Best relative plant results: Conza +20.1% 

Hydroelectric power: 

  • Total production: –16.4% 


Production to date: 

  • W.E.B production results in December: 128,931 MWh 
  • Percentage of annual projections: 91.57%