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W.E.B Production Result for January 2025

02/2025 - Back to overview

© Klaus Rockenbauer

Calm high-pressure weather - monthly production below plan

At 166,909 MWh, total monthly production was below the planned target.

At the beginning of the month, the weather was still characterized by several low-pressure systems, resulting in rotor blade icing. However, for most of the remainder of the month, high-pressure systems dominated the weather. As a result, production in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, and France was below plan. In contrast, there was more dynamic air movement in Italy, Canada, and along the East Coast of the USA, allowing production targets to be exceeded in those regions.

In the PV segment, none of the W.E.B production countries were able to achieve their targets.

Overview based on technology

Wind energy

  • Total production: -6.2%
  • Best wind farm in relative terms: Foce del Cornia (Piombino): +72.3%
  • Best wind power plant in absolute terms: Silver Maple: 1,750 MWh

Solar energy

  • Total production: -13.9%
  • Best power plant in relative terms: Conza +40.6%

Production results of W.E.B in January: 166,909 MWh

This report refers to existing W.E.B facilities.